What we see in this world today is a reversal of all God's influence in this world.
Just look at the tactics, the acts, of those who back this reversal.
First, we know what God teaches in His Word. Tolerance, charity, obedience to the laws, kindness, and love. The Left wants God's influence out of every part of our culture. This is a war against God's influence in the world, a war that started in Eden.
What we see from the Left today is the opposite of what God teaches. The Left uses fear, intimidation, terror, and even a perversion of the law to move their agenda forward. All of these tactics come from Satan. Satan is the father of, lawlessness, terror, lies, immorality, and death.
Yes, life comes from God. Death comes from Satan. All those who encourage death are under the influence of Satan.
But this is even greater than a mere breakdown of order, it is the end of civilization. Following God's laws has allowed civilizations to prosper, for families to be established and grow. This Left movement will end all of this.
All of this began in the 1960s when Liberalism gained authority in our country. When criminals were not held responsible for their crimes because they were not raised well enough. When they did not have perfect parenting it became an excuse to let criminals go free. Then teachers were allowed to lower standards and teach young minds that all their problems were somebodies else's fault, not their own fault. Then the government got involved in civil rights and that opened the door for rights campaigns for every minority group, even Satanists.
Our founding Fathers were so much more righteous that they never thought it necessary to outlaw these unGodly groups in the Constitution. No one at the time of the Constitution ever thought America would become so immoral and perverted. That is the reason our Constitution never outlawed immoral and Satanic acts.